Savor the Flavor

Savor the Flavor

Savor the Flavor

Savor the Flavor


Cost: $5.00 Cash/check Registration begins at 9:30 AM Class: 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM Lunch and tasting will be provided Register by Feb. 26th by calling the office 859-236-4484 You won't want to miss it!!!

Boyle County Extension Office 99 Corporate Drive Danville, KY 40422

Last Revised: Jan 23rd, 2024

Date and Time

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Event Description

The Savor the Flavor Program focuses on flavoring techniques and cooking methods that anyone can use. The goal of the program is to help people make home-prepared meals that are flavorful and exciting. Savor the Flavor allows people to build their skills and confidence in the kitchen through interactive recipe, demonstrations, tastings, and other engaging activities.